I was almost 6 months pregnant when my mam found my pregnancy book in my room, she fired it on the table and asked “who’s is this??!” I had contemplated using the old line I used the time she found my box of 10 silk cut purple…”I’m minding them for a friend!” But I knew there was only one way out of this situation and I was sure she’d notice the newborn crying my box room eventually…so I came clean, I defiantly declared “Its mine! I’m pregnant! in a ‘what you gonna do about it tone’. I was 19 and had just moved back from my college house back home. 
I love being a young mum. Now. I love the look people give me when I line up at parent teacher meetings. I love the way my old teachers ask her did you have a sister that I taught and she answers with “No, but you probably taught my mum!” Its great being 35 with a 15 year old daughter, we have certain things in common like makeup and TV programmes. We have the same daft sense of humour and can snort (mainly me) and giggle about something for much longer than its actually funny. Now don’t get me wrong just because I am a young mum doesn’t mean I am a walk over. I am just as strict as an older mum might be, maybe more (ask my daughter she’ll happily concur!).
Yep its all shits and giggles now but when I had just turned 20 sitting home on a Friday and Saturday night with my parents watching the Late Late or Winning streak wasn’t the best of craic. I had Chloe the week before my 20th birthday. I was a teenage mum for a week!

While my friends were out dancing and drinking Smirnoff Ice I was bathing a baby and praying the colic wouldn’t keep her up all night.
Although at the time missing another Saturday night dancing to Nelly’s “Its getting hot in here” was the worst thing in the world, myself and Chloe grew up together, I matured into a somewhat confident mother while she grew into an independent little girl. 
Its such a novelty to say my daughter has been by my side throughout all the highlights of my life, getting married to her dad, getting my degree, watching her twin and baby brothers grow up, masters, and this blog. Now its my turn to watch all the milestones in her life begin and I cannot wait!
But its funny how life comes full circle, most of my friends who were dancing their asses off in oversized belts and flared jeans 16 years ago are now up to their eyes in bumps,nappies and pre-schools and I, well, I’m still buying nappies, BUT, I now have not only a great little buddy in Chloe but also a live-in babysitter! No more pleading phone calls to grandparents to let us out to the cinema for a few hours. Happy Days!
I will never forget the feeling when the nurse told me I was pregnant all those years ago in LYIT’s doctors room, I was scared, angry, nervous, nauseous, all of the emotions and 9 months later I gave her life, but really, she gave me mine.

Tracey xxx
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